The making of guitars are basically inspired by music, meaning that the instrument will help the performer to play the pieces in a easy way that fit his imagination. We can agree that the guitars are rich in colour with a lot of flexibility available through the instrument, which helps to shape and modify the sound. Before being a guitar maker I was a guitarist my objectif as a builder is to make very good guitars helping musicians to give the facility to play the music they have in mind. As a modern Jazz guitarist I searched for the good energy, a nice balance between harmony and tension. I found in the control of the sound of the classical players today the same energy and it fascinated me so much, that the revelations that came to me where directly inspired by them. Little by little the conscious of sound took all my attention, and my work as a guitar builder moved more and more of being a sound builder in order to make the guitar a better compagnon of the musical pieces. This process was only possible in junction with the close contact I have with experienced guitar players, otherwise this work is not possible. The first idea to make a guitar was quickly replaced by the quest of sound. My first thoughts go to how does the table moves ? It is a continuous thought while I think about the concept of the guitar. Thinking about all of this, I have been working around the concept of my guitars, modified the arch and the bracing… Beside my thoughs, builders like Torres, Hauser, Bouchet or Santos Hernandez helped me to make my choices, as some principles that are used by violins builders. I like polyphony and sound colors, real basses and trebles, the player can experience a large palet on my guitars by doing so the musical quest of sound innovation is well supported.